From Hak Milik Sementara to Geran
What you should be getting is Geran (above), not Hakmilik Sementara (below) Housebuyers are usually very ignorant. They are issued Qualified Titles, not it should be -- the Title Deed or Grant. For this discussion, we will only focus on Geran and Hakmilik Sementara. It is not the 99-year-old lease title or freehold title. Please don't talk about this in this blogpost. Leasehold and Freehold is a state matter, not a federal issue that the Minister can handle. Look at your document to see if you have the words 'Hakmilik Sementara' or 'Geran.' This is important. 'Geran' means that the title is complete. 'Hakmilik Sementara' means that your developer has not carried out the survey yet or submitted the survey to the Land Office so that your individual titles (or 'Geran') can be issued. Because the Survey has not carried out yet, the title issued to you is 'Hakm...