From Hak Milik Sementara to Geran


What you should be getting is Geran (above), not 
Hakmilik Sementara (below)

Housebuyers are usually very ignorant. They are issued Qualified Titles, not it should be -- the Title Deed or Grant. 

        For this discussion, we will only focus on Geran and Hakmilik Sementara. It is not the 99-year-old lease title or freehold title. Please don't talk about this in this blogpost. Leasehold and Freehold is a state matter, not a federal issue that the Minister can handle. 

        Look at your document to see if you have the words 'Hakmilik Sementara' or 'Geran.' This is important. 

        'Geran' means that the title is complete. 'Hakmilik Sementara' means that your developer has not carried out the survey yet or submitted the survey to the Land Office so that your individual titles (or 'Geran') can be issued. Because the Survey has not carried out yet, the title issued to you is 'Hakmilik Sementara' (or Qualified Title).

        The Qualified Title will allow you to buy or sell the property, but you will need to spend extra money on the Deed of Assignment. 

        Qualified Titles also mean that, in the event that your house is burnt down to ground zero, your neighbours on both sides of your plot of land can encroach into your land and extend their homes. Technically, you will have no grounds to reclaim your land back since no official survey was carried out. 

        Yes, you may be able to fight in court, but it will cost you money. So, why allow your developer to get away with their responsibility by not doing anything now? 

        This was what happened with the Kepong Garden Development Sdn Bhd which has gone defunct. It first developed Taman Kepong back in the late 60s. When I finally discovered this in around 2000s, I whipped up a campaign together with Dr Tan Seng Giaw the MP of Kepong, who assisted residents. 

        I was forced to do this after finding my conversation with the director of the Federal Territories Land Office fell on deaf ears. 

        After nearly two or maybe three years of media publicity and organising the residents to meet Dr Tan, the Land Office finally completed the process of converting the land title to Geran. 

        In fact, this should not be their job if they had properly supervised the errant developers. 

        Guess what, I found two lady staff to be most cooperative and helpful. I ended up buying them a sumptuous lunch which my Mom gladly paid for. Credit to whom credit is due.

        Are you experiencing the same problems with your titles? Give your comments below BEFORE 17 February 2023 (11.59 PM). I will try to provide your feedback to the minister in charge. I believe he will find your feedback useful as 'bullets' that he can use when discussing issues with the developers. Let's help bring about reforms to our country's system. 

Please state name of developer ang housing estate, bearing in mind that titles are still under the state land office but we can alert the minister of errant developers.


999 Went to the Police District Headquarters


  1. TQTQTQ🙏😇 kind Mr Stephen Ng for this very Useful Info. Most Ppl dunno, incl. me👎

    1. Welcome. This is the reason why I set up this blog so that we are all more educated and know our rights as consumers/ owners.

  2. This is a common problem in all villages.
    I applied for permanent title for our family home in Kuala Ampang Village and the survey showed that the boundary were all inaccurate for most if not all the houses in this village and a former MCA guy had applied for the no man's land behind our house and have encroached into our existing house. SO if I get the permanent title approved, I have to give up part of the land behind our house and our house boundary have to move to the middle of the road. I am just wondering how we can solve such problems not just for me but for the whole village.


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